Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another Baby Update!

Hi, we just got home late last night from Anchorage. We had a 3-D ultrasound and saw a specialist. At first when the ultrasound tech was looking for the heart arythmia, he couldn't find it. But then it started. So he did some measurements and things and then the doctor came it to see us.The doctor looked at the heart some more. And finally told us that we have a HEALTHY baby! And that what is going on is similar to a hic-up in the artery.He called it a premature artery something! But that there is nothing to worry about and that most likely this will go away once the baby is born and takes its first breathe.

On the other had we are having a very big baby. The baby is already measuring 5 lbs 9 oz.That is what Tori weighed at birth! And I have 2 months to go!So, the doctor said the baby may be born closer to August 23rd instead of September 7th! So, we are much releived and God does answer prayers! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts! Toni, TimTori, Trista, and Baby

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